Earn rewards for your content.

Become a contributor and share helpful images and video evidence based content anonymously. Insurance companies and others want to reward you for your efforts. 

Become a Contributor

One-tap Capture

Our app comes with a built-in camera to allow quick and easy capture of images and video footage. You can also record-over an existing footage from your surveillance or dashboard camera.

Share Anonymously

Share your evidence-based content without revealing your identity. We are committed to making it easy for you to provide your image and videos using just a username and passcode.

Earn Rewards

Get cash rewards once your content is purchased by insurance claims handlers, claim adjusters and other professionals. Rewards are placed on your user account and you can withdraw to your bank, our Scene Finder visa card or donate to your favorite charity.

Over $8 million to be paid out in 60 months

Our contributors are set to be rewarded with more than $8 million in paid out value over the next 60 months. We are committed to ensuring our contributor’s community and their charities benefit.

using scene finder is as easy as 1-2-3!

We’ve built our application for ease of use. As a contributor you can quickly capture an image or a footage, upload it directly to your account and have it reviewed for approval. Upon approval, your content will immediately become available to customers.

Join Our Community!

Get the app!

Free to download and use. No obligations! Download from Apple iOS or Google Play Store.

Share the app!

Easily share with friends via WhatsApp, Email and Social Media. Increase your chances to earn by just sharing!

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